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The first record in the FIELD file is the title. It must be followed by the units directive. Both of these are mandatory. These records may optionally be followed by the neut directive.

record 1 

header a80 field file header
record 2
units a40 Unit of energy used for input and output
record 3 (optional)
neut a40 activate the neutral/chargegroups option for
the electrostatic calculations

The energy units on the units directive are described by additional keywords:

eV, for electron-volts
kcal, for k-calories mol$^{-1}$
kJ, for k-Joules mol$^{-1}$
internal, for DL_POLY_2 internal units (10 J mol$^{-1}$).

If no units keyword is entered, DL_POLY_2 units are assumed for both input and output. The units keyword may appear anywhere on the data record provided it does not exceed column 40. The units directive only affects the input and output interfaces, all internal calculations are handled using DL_POLY_2 units.

W Smith 2003-05-12