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External Field

The presence of an external field is flagged by the extern directive. The next line in the FIELD file should have another directive indicating what type of field is to be applied. On the following lines comes the mxfld parameters, five per line, that describe the field. In the include files supplied with DL_POLY_2 mxfld is set to 10.

The variables pertaining to each potential are described in table 4.15.

Table 4.15: External fields
key potential type Variables (1-4) functional form\dag
elec Electric field $E_x$ $E_y$ $E_z$   $\mbox{$\underline{F}$} = q.\mbox{$\underline{E}$}$
oshm Oscillating Shear $A$ $n$     $\mbox{$\underline{F}$}_x = A cos (2 n\pi. z/L_z)$
shrx Continuous Shear $A$ $z_0$     $ \mid z \mid > z_0$: $\mbox{$\underline{v}$}_x = (1/2)A(\mid z \mid / z)$
grav Gravitational Field $G_x$ $G_y$ $G_z$   $\mbox{$\underline{F}$} = m.\mbox{$\underline{G}$}$
magn Magnetic Field $H_x$ $H_y$ $H_z$   $\mbox{$\underline{F}$} = q(\mbox{$\underline{v}$}\times\mbox{$\underline{H}$})$
sphr Containing Sphere $A$ $R_0$ $n$ $R_{\rm cut}$ $ r > R_{\rm cut}$: $ \mbox{$\underline{F}$} = A(R_0 - r)^{-n} $

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W Smith 2003-05-12