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Definitions of Variables

record 1

header a80 file header
record 2
delpot real mesh resolution in Å
cutpot real cutoff used to define tables Å
ngrid integer number of grid points in tables
The subsequent records define each tabulated potential in turn, in the order indicated by the specification in the FIELD file. Each potential is defined by a header record and a set of data records with the potential and force tables.

header record:

atom 1 a8 first atom type
atom 2 a8 second atom type
potential data records: (number of data records $=$ $Int$((ngrid+3)/4))
data 1 real data item 1
data 2 real data item 2
data 3 real data item 3
data 4 real data item 4
force data records: (number of data records $=$ $Int$((ngrid+3)/4))
data 1 real data item 1
data 2 real data item 2
data 3 real data item 3
data 4 real data item 4

W Smith 2003-05-12