record 1The subsequent records define each tabulated potential in turn, in the order indicated by the specification in the FIELD file. Each potential is defined by a header record and a set of data records with the potential and force tables.
header a80 file header
record 2
delpot real mesh resolution in Å
cutpot real cutoff used to define tables Å
ngrid integer number of grid points in tables
header record:
atom 1 a8 first atom type
atom 2 a8 second atom type
potential data records: (number of data records![]()
data 1 real data item 1
data 2 real data item 2
data 3 real data item 3
data 4 real data item 4
force data records: (number of data records![]()
data 1 real data item 1
data 2 real data item 2
data 3 real data item 3
data 4 real data item 4