This part of the file is written by the DL_POLY_2 root segment DLPOLY. The header line is printed at the top of each page as:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- step eng_tot temp_tot eng_cfg eng_vdw eng_cou eng_bnd eng_ang eng_dih eng_tet time(ps) eng_pv temp_rot vir_cfg vir_vdw vir_cou vir_bnd vir_ang vir_con vir_tet cpu (s) volume temp_shl eng_shl vir_shl alpha beta gamma vir_pmf press --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The labels refer to :
line 1
step MD step number
eng_tot total internal energy of the system
temp_tot system temperature
eng_cfg configurational energy of the system
eng_vdw configurational energy due to short-rangepotentials
eng_cou configurational energy due to electrostaticpotential
eng_bnd configurational energy due to chemical bondpotentials
eng_ang configurational energy due to valence angleand three-body potentials
eng_dih configurational energy due to dihedralinversion and four-body potentials
eng_tet configurational energy due to tetheringpotentials
line 2
time(ps) elapsed simulation time (ps) since the beginningof the job
eng_pv enthalpy of system
temp_rot rotational temperature
vir_cfg total configurational contribution to thevirial
vir_vdw short range potential contribution to thevirial
vir_cou electrostatic potential contribution to thevirial
vir_bnd chemical bond contribution to the virial
vir_ang angular and three body potentials contribution tothe virial
vir_con constraint bond contribution to the virial
vir_tet tethering potential contribution to the virial
line 3
cpu (s) elapsed cpu time since the beginning of the job
volume system volume
temp_shl core-shell temperature
eng_shl configurational energy due to core-shellpotentials
vir_shl core-shell potential contribution to the virial
alpha angle betweenand
cell vectors
beta angle betweenand
cell vectors
gamma angle betweenand
cell vectors
vir_pmf Potential of mean force constraint contributionto the virial
press pressure
Note: The total internal energy of the system (variable tot_energy) includes all contributions to the energy (including system extensions due to thermostats etc.) It is nominally the conserved variable of the system, and is not to be confused with conventional system energy, which is a sum of the kinetic and configuration energies.
The interval for printing out these data is determined by the directive print in the CONTROL file. At each time-step that printout is requested the instantaneous values of the above statistical variables are given in the appropriate columns. Immediately below these three lines of output the rolling averages of the same variables are also given. The maximum number of time-steps used to calculate the rolling averages is determined by the parameter mxstak in the DL/SMALL>_PARAMS.INC file (see section 8.1.1). The working number of time-steps for rolling averages is controlled by the directive stack in file CONTROL (see above). The default value is mxstak.