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This is a formatted file containing em Radial Distribution Function (RDF) data. Its contents are as follows:

record 1

cfgname character (A80) configuration name
record 2
ntpvdw integer (i10) number of RDFs in file
mxrdf integer (i10) number of data points in each RDF

There follow the data for each individual RDF i.e. ntpvdw times. The data supplied are as follows:

first record

atname 1 character (A8) first atom name
atname 2 character (A8) second atom name
following records (mxrdf records)
radius real (e14) interatomic distance (A)
g(r) real (e14) RDF at given radius.
Note the RDFDAT file is optional and appears when the print rdf option is specified in the CONTROL file.

W Smith 2003-05-12