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The file is formatted, with integers as ``i10'' and reals as ``e14.6''. It is written by the subroutine STATIC. It consists of two header records followed by many data records of statistical data.

record 1

cfgname character configuration name
record 2
string character energy units

Data records
Subsequent lines contain the instantaneous values of statistical variables dumped from the array stpval. A specified number of entries of stpval are written in the format ``(1p,5e14.6)''. The number of array elements required (determined by the parameter mxnstk in the DL/SMALL>_PARAMS.INC file) is

$\displaystyle {\tt mxnstk} \ge$ $\textstyle 27 + {\tt ntpatm} (\rm number~of~unique~atomic~sites)$    
  $\textstyle + 9 (\rm if~stress~tensor~calculated)$    
  $\textstyle + 9 (\rm if~constant~pressure~simulation~requested)$    

The STATIS file is appended at intervals determined by the stats directive in the CONTROL file. The energy unit is as specified in the CONTROL file with the the units directive, and are compatible with the data appearing in the OUTPUT file. The contents of the appended information is:

record i

nstep integer current MD time-step
time real elapsed simulation time = nstep$\times \Delta t$
nument integer number of array elements to follow
record ii stpval(1) - stpval(5)
engcns real total extended system energy
(i.e. the conserved quantity)
temp real system temperature
engcfg real configurational energy
engsrp real short range potential energy
engcpe real electrostatic energy
record iii stpval(6) - stpval(10)
engbnd real chemical bond energy
engang real valence angle and 3-body potential energy
engdih real dihedral interaction energy
engtet real tethering energy
enthal real enthalpy (total energy + PV)
record iv stpval(11) - stpval(15)
tmprot real rotational temperature
vir real total virial
virsrp real short-range virial
vircpe real electrostatic virial
virbnd real bond virial
record v stpval(16) -stpval(20)
virang real valence angle and 3-body virial
vircon real constraint virial
virtet real tethering virial
volume real volume
tmpshl real core-shell temperature
record vi stpval(21) -stpval(25)
engshl real core-shell potential energy
virshl real core-shell virial
alpha real MD cell angle $\alpha$
beta real MD cell angle $\beta$
gamma real MD cell angle $\gamma$
record vii stpval(26) -stpval(27)
virpmf real Potential of Mean Force virial
press real pressure
the next ntpatm entries
amsd(1) real mean squared displacement of first atomtypes
amsd(2) real mean squared displacement of second atomtypes
... ... ...
amsd(ntpatm) real mean squared displacement of lastatom types
the next 9 entries - if the stress tensor is calculated
stress(1) real xx component of stress tensor
stress(2) real xy component of stress tensor
stress(3) real xz component of stress tensor
stress(4) real yx component of stress tensor
... real ...
stress(9) real zz component of stress tensor
the next 9 entries - if a NPT simulation is undertaken
cell(1) real x component of $a$ cell vector
cell(2) real y component of $a$ cell vector
cell(3) real z component of $a$ cell vector
cell(4) real x component of $b$ cell vector
... real ...
cell(9) real z component of $c$ cell vector

Note. The stress tensor is calculated only if the code is compiled with the ``-STRESS'' option (see section 3.2.1). Cell shape varying constant pressure simulations (keyword ensemble nst ... in the CONTROL file) are only possible if the stress tensor is calculated. If isotropic constant pressure simulations are required, where the cell volume but not the shape may vary, (keyword ensemble npt ...) the stress tensor need not be calculated.

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W Smith 2003-05-12