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Target Computers

DL_POLY_2 is targeted towards distributed memory parallel computers. However, versions of the program for serial computers are easily produced. To facilitate this all machine specific calls are located in dedicated FORTRAN routines, to permit substitution by appropriate alternatives, or even deletion.

DL_POLY_2 will run on a wide selection of computers. This includes most single processor workstations for which it requires a FORTRAN 90 compiler and (preferably) a UNIX environment. It has also been compiled for a Windows PC using the Compaq Visual FORTRAN compiler.

The list of parallel machines DL_POLY_2 has been run on includes Cray T3E and T3D, IBM SP/2 and SP/3, Intel iPSC and also Sun and Silicon Graphics multiprocessor machines. Porting of DL_POLY_2 to these and other machines requires MPI message passing tools, (with the exception of Intel distributed memory machines, which have native message passing libraries). Note that, though designed primarily for distributed memory computers, it has been successfully run on shared memory (symmetric multiprocessor) machines as a distributed application under MPI. Note that is has not been run as a shared memory application.

DL_MULTI is also targeted towards distributed memory parallel computers. However, versions of the program for serial computers are easily produced. To facilitate this all machine specific calls are located in dedicated FORTRAN routines, to permit substitution by appropriate alternatives, or even deletion. Note that some of the communication routines in DL_MULTI , which have routines in DL_POLY_2 with the same name, have been modified and have only been tested using MPI. If you are planning to use a different parallelisation method you should test these routines yourself.

DL_MULTI has been tested on on the the following computers:

  1. IBM SP/2
  3. Beowulf systems

Porting of DL_MULTI to these and other machines requires MPI message passing tools.

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W Smith 2003-05-12