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Test Case 1

This example is a test case of 5-azauracil. The starting configuration is taken from a previous run using an nst ensemble. The input to the nst run was a 4x2x3 supercell of the experimental structure, which has 8 molecules per cell and 11 atoms per molecule. The molecules are not exactly planar in the experimental structure. This is reflected in the description of the distributed multipoles in the FIELD file where the molecules form two sets of enantiomers with small non-zero odd-z components. The OUTPUT from the test case was run on 4 nodes of the SP2 at Daresbury. The precision for the Ewald sums is 1.0E-04 for direct space monopole-monopole interactions, 1.0E-07 for direct space higher multipoles and 1.0E-04 for reciprocal space. In this case the DL_MULTI cutoff algorithm in direct space finds that total pole order = 1 needs the largest cutoff to obtain the desired accuracy. The kmax values in reciprocal space drop off rapidly with increasing total multipole order and for l$>$1 no terms are needed. For this setup 2.7 s per time step was required. Most of the time was spent doing the direct space sums, because of the small reciprocal space precision.

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W Smith 2003-05-12