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PARSET is designed to provide estimates of the FORTRAN parameters (e.g. array dimensions) required by versions of DL_POLY_2 prior to 2.11 to simulate a given system i.e. those required for the file. By scanning the CONTROL, FIELD and CONFIG files of the intended simulation PARSET is able to calculate estimates of minimum parameters needed. The calculated parameters are written into a file:, which is FORTRAN compatible. Once this has been renamed DL/SMALL>_PARAMS.INC, it can be used directly when DL_POLY_2 is compiled. Use of PARSET is strongly recommended as a means of reducing the effort needed to create a working DL_POLY_2 executable.

Note. PARSET is required only for versions of DL_POLY_2 prior to version 2.11.

W Smith 2003-05-12