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gopoly is used to submit a DL_POLY job to the Daresbury IBM SP/2, which operates a LOADLEVELLER job queuing system. It invokes the following script.

#@ min_processors = 4
#@ max_processors = 4
#@ job_type = parallel
#@ requirements = (Adapter == "hps_ip") && ( Pool == 2)
#@ executable = /usr/bin/poe
#@ cpu_limit = 00:10:00
#@ arguments = ~/dl_poly_2.10/execute/DLPOLY.X -euilib ip
#@ output = gopoly.o
#@ error = gopoly.e
#@ class = dev
#@ queue

Using LOADLEVELLER, the job is submitted by the unix command:
llsubmit gopoly
where llsubmit is a local command for submission to the SP/2. The number of required nodes and the job time are indicated in the above script.

W Smith 2003-05-12