The store macro provides a convenient way of moving data back from the execute sub-directory to the data sub-directory. It invokes the unix commands:
mkdir ../data/TEST$1 mv OUTPUT ../data/TEST$1/OUTPUT mv REVCON ../data/TEST$1/REVCON mv STATIS ../data/TEST$1/STATIS mv REVIVE ../data/TEST$1/REVIVE mv RDFDAT ../data/TEST$1/RDFDAT mv ZDNDAT ../data/TEST$1/ZDNDAT chmod 400 ../data/TEST$1/*
which first creates a new DL_POLY data/TEST.. sub-directory and then moves the standard DL_POLY output data files into it.
store requires one argument:
store n
where n is a unique string or number to label the
output data in the data/TESTn sub-directory.
Note that store sets the file access to read-only. This is to prevent the store macro overwriting existing data without your knowledge.