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In the following table the values of parameters that are dependent on
the simulated system are given as variable. Some parameter values may
be derived from others, and a simple formula is given. An example of a
working parameters file can be found in the source subdirectory.
parameter value function
boltz 0.831451115 boltzmann constant in internal units
kmaxa variable max reciprocal space vector index(a direction)
kmaxb variable max reciprocal space vector index(b direction)
kmaxc variable max reciprocal space vector index(c direction)
kmaxd variable SPME FFT array dimension (a direction)
kmaxe variable SPME FFT array dimension (b direction)
kmaxf variable SPME FFT array dimension (c direction)
minnode variable
min number of nodes for codeexecution
msatms mxatms/minnode+1 max number of atoms in working arrays
msbad max(mxbond,mxangl, max size of working arrays for bond, angle,
mxdihd,mxteth,mxinv, dihedral,tether,inversion and shell
mxshl) routines
msgrp mxgrp/minnode+1 max number of rigidgroups per node
mspmf variable max number ofpotential of mean force
constraints per node
msteth variable max number of tethered atoms per node
mx2tbp variable
mxvdw array dimensionof 3-body potential parameters
mx3fbp variable array dimensionof 4-body potential parameters
mxangl variable max number of bond angles on anode
mxatms variable max number of atoms in system
mxbond variable max number of chemical bonds on a node
mxbuff max(6*mxatms, max dimension of atomic transfer buffer
mxebuf, mxgrid)
mxcell variable max number of link cells in system
mxcons variable max number of constraint bonds on a node
mxdihd variable max number of torsionangles on a node
mxegrd variable max number of grid points in HKE interpolation arrays
mxewld msatms or mxatms max of array elements in EWALD1(A) work arrays
mxexcl variable max number of excluded interactions per atom
mxfbd variable max number of defined 4-body force potentials
mxfld 10 max number of external field parameters
mxftab variable dimension of ffttable array (2*(kmaxd+kmaxe+kmaxf))
mxgatm variable
mxatms max number ofsites in rigid units
mxgrid variable max number of grid points in potential arrays
mxgrp variable max number of rigidbody units in system
mxhke variable dimension of HK-Ewald work arrays
mxhko variable max order of HK-Ewald convergence function
mxinv variable max number of inversion potentials per node
mxlist variable max number of atoms in verlet list
mxlshp 2*mxcons max dimension of shape routine transfer array
mxmols variable max number of molecules
mxneut variable max number of neutral groups + 1
mxngp variable
3 max number of sites in a rigid unit
mxnstk mxsvdw+45 max number of stacked variables
mxpang 4 max number of angle potentialparameters
mxpbnd 4 max number of bond potential parameters
mxpdih 5 max number of dihedral potential parameters
mxpfbp 3 max number of 4-body potential parameters
mxpinv 2 max number of inversion potential parameters
mxpmf variable
mxatms number of atomsin potential of mean
force constraints
mxproc variable max number of nodes (used in parallel
constraint algorithm)
mxptbp mxpang+1 max number of 3-body potential parameters
mxpvdw 5 max number of van der Waalspotentialparameters
mxquat variable max iterations in quaternion integration
mxrdf variable number of tabulation points for radial distribution
mxshak variable max number of iterations in shakealgorithm
mxshl vaiable max number of core-shell units
mxsite variable max number of molecular sites
mxspme variable max number of charged atoms in SPME
mxspl variable max order of B-spline function in SPME
mxspmf variable max number sites to define pmf units
mxstak variable dimension of stack arrays for rolling averages
mxsvdw variable max number of different types of sites for pair
mxtang variable max number of different bondangle potentials
mxtbnd variable max number of chemical bond potentials
mxtbp mxvdw*mxsvdw max number of 3-body potentials
mxtcon variable max number of specified bondlength constraints
mxtdih variable max number of different dihedral potentials
mxteth variable max number of tethered atom potentials
mxtinv variable max number of inversion potentials
mxtmls variable max number of molecule types
mxtshl variable max number of core-shell unittypes
mxungp variable max number unique rigid body units
mxvdw ((mxsvdw+1)* max number of different pair potentials
mxsvdw)/2 (
if Sutton-Chen potentials used)
mxxdf max(mxlist,msatms, max number of atoms inxdf,ydf and zdf arrays
mxcons,mxn1*mxn1* (mxn1 is number of sites inlargest
(mxneut+1)/2) neutral group)
nconf 8 configuration file input channel
ndump variable data dumping interval in event of system crash
nfield 7 force field input channel
nhist 21 trajectory history file channel
nrdfdt 24 output channel for RDF data
nread 5 main input channel
nrest 22 output channel accumulators restart dump file
nrite 6 main output channel
nstats 20 statistical data file output channel
ntable 23 tabulated potentials file input channel
nzdfdt 25 output channel for Z-density data file
pi 3.141592653589793
prsunt 1.63842151d-1 pressure conversion factor
r4pie0 138935.4835 electrostatic conversion factor i.e.
(unit(charge)**2/(4 pi eps0 unit(length))/
sqrpi 1.7724538509055159 square root of
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W Smith