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Internally all DL_POLY_2 subroutines and functions assume the use of the
following defined molecular units:
- The unit of time (
) is
seconds (i.e. picoseconds).
- The unit of length (
) is
(i.e. Ångstroms).
- The unit of mass (
) is
kilograms (i.e. atomic mass units).
- The unit of charge (
) is
coulombs (i.e. unit of proton charge).
- The unit of energy (
) is
Joules (10 J mol
- The unit of pressure (
) is
Pascal (
- Planck's constant (
) which is
In addition the following conversion factors are used:
The coulombic conversion factor (
) is:
such that:
represents the configuration energy.
The Boltzmann factor (
) is
such that:
represents the conversion from kinetic energy (in internal units) to
temperature (in Kelvin).
Note: In the DL_POLY_2 OUTPUT file, the print out of pressure is in
units of kbars at all times. The unit of energy is either DL_POLY_2
units specified above, or in other units specified by the user at run
time. The default is DL_POLY units.
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Previous: Arithmetic Precision
W Smith