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External Fields

In addition to the molecular force field, DL_POLY_2 allows the use of an external force field. Examples of field available include:

  1. Electric field: (elec)
    \begin{displaymath}\mbox{$\underline{F_i}$} = \mbox{$\underline{F_i}$} + q_i. \mbox{$\underline{H}$} \end{displaymath} (2.107)

  2. Oscillating shear: (oshm)
    \begin{displaymath}\mbox{$\underline{F}$}_{x}=A\cos(2n\pi.z/L_{z}) \end{displaymath} (2.108)

  3. Continuous shear: (shrx)
\mbox{$\underline{v}$}_{x}=\frac{1}{2}A\frac{\vert z\vert}{z}~~~~~~~~~~~~~:\vert z\vert>z_{0}\end{displaymath} (2.109)

  4. Gravitational field: (grav)
    \begin{displaymath}\mbox{$\underline{F_i}$} = \mbox{$\underline{F_i}$} + m_i. \mbox{$\underline{H}$} \end{displaymath} (2.110)

  5. Magnetic field: (magn)
    \begin{displaymath}\mbox{$\underline{F_i}$} = \mbox{$\underline{F_i}$} + q_i.(\mbox{$\underline{v_i}$}\wedge \mbox{$\underline{H}$})
\end{displaymath} (2.111)

  6. Containing sphere: (sphr)
    \begin{displaymath}\mbox{$\underline{F}$}=A(R_{0}-r)^{-n}~~~~~~~~~~~~: r>R_{cut} \end{displaymath} (2.112)

  7. Repulsive wall: (zbnd)
    \begin{displaymath}\mbox{$\underline{F}$}=A(z_{o}-z)~~~~~~~~~~~~: z>z_{o} \end{displaymath} (2.113)

It is recommended that the use of an external field should be accompanied by a thermostat (this does not apply to examples 6 and 7, since these are conservative fields). The user is advised to be careful with units!

In DL_POLY_2 external field forces are handled by the routine EXTNFLD.

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W Smith 2003-05-12