Next: Long Ranged Electrostatic (Coulombic)
Up: The Intermolecular Potential Functions
Previous: Four Body Potentials
In addition to the molecular force field, DL_POLY_2 allows the use of
an external force field. Examples of field available include:
- Electric field: (elec)
(2.107) |
- Oscillating shear: (oshm)
(2.108) |
- Continuous shear: (shrx)
(2.109) |
- Gravitational field: (grav)
(2.110) |
- Magnetic field: (magn)
(2.111) |
- Containing sphere: (sphr)
(2.112) |
- Repulsive wall: (zbnd)
(2.113) |
It is recommended that the use of an external field should be
accompanied by a thermostat (this does not apply to
examples 6 and 7, since these are conservative fields). The user is
advised to be careful with units!
In DL_POLY_2 external field forces are handled by the routine EXTNFLD.
Next: Long Ranged Electrostatic (Coulombic)
Up: The Intermolecular Potential Functions
Previous: Four Body Potentials
W Smith