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The DL_POLY_2 Force Field

The DL_POLY_2 force field includes the following features:

  1. All common forms of non-bonded atom-atom potential;
  2. Atom-atom (site-site) Coulombic potentials;
  3. Valence angle potentials;
  4. Dihedral angle potentials;
  5. Inversion potentials;
  6. Improper dihedral angle potentials;
  7. 3-body valence angle and hydrogen bond potentials;
  8. 4-body inversion potentials;
  9. Sutton-Chen density dependent potentials (for metals) [7].

The parameters describing these potentials may be obtained, for example, from the GROMOS [3], Dreiding [8] or AMBER [4] forcefield, which share functional forms. It is relatively easy to adapt DL_POLY_2 to user specific force fields.

W Smith 2003-05-12