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The Formatted HISTORY File

The formatted HISTORY file is written by the subroutine TRAJECT and has the following structure.

record 1 (a80)

header a80 file header
record 2 (3i10)
keytrj integer trajectory key (see table 4.3)
imcon integer periodic boundary key (see table 4.6)
natms integer number of atoms in simulation cell

For timesteps greater than nstraj the HISTORY file is appended at intervals specified by the traj directive in the CONTROL file, with the following information for each configuration:

record i (a8,4i10,f12.6)

timestep a8 the character string ``timestep''
nstep integer the current time-step
natms integer number of atoms in configuration
keytrj integer trajectory key (again)
imcon integer periodic boundary key (again)
tstep real integration timestep
record ii (3g12.4) for imcon $>$ 0
cell(1) real x component of $a$ cell vector
cell(2) real y component of $a$ cell vector
cell(3) real z component of $a$ cell vector
record iii (3g12.4) for imcon $>$ 0
cell(4) real x component of $b$ cell vector
cell(5) real y component of $b$ cell vector
cell(6) real z component of $b$ cell vector
record iv (3g12.4) for imcon $>$ 0
cell(7) real x component of $c$ cell vector
cell(8) real y component of $c$ cell vector
cell(9) real z component of $c$ cell vector
This is followed by the configuration for the current timestep. i.e. for each atom in the system the following data are included:

record a (a8,i10,2f12.6) 

atmnam a8 atomic label
iatm i10 atom index
weight f12.6 atomic mass (a.m.u.)
charge f12.6 atomic charge (e)
record b (3e12.4)
xxx real x coordinate
yyy real y coordinate
zzz real z coordinate
record c (3e12.4) only for keytrj $>$ 0
vxx real x component of velocity
vyy real y component of velocity
vzz real z component of velocity
record d (3e12.4) only for keytrj $>$ 1
fxx real x component of force
fyy real y component of force
fzz real z component of force
Thus the data for each atom is a minimum of two records and a maximum of 4.

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W Smith 2003-05-12