The unformatted HISTORY file is written by the subroutine TRAJECT/SMALL>_U and has the following structure:
record 1
header configuration name (character*80)
record 2
natms number of atoms in the configuration (real*8)
record 3
atname(1,...,natms) atom names or symbols (character*8)
record 4
weight(1,...,natms) atomic masses (real*8)
record 5
charge(1,...,natms) atomic charges (real*8)
For time-steps greater than nstraj, the HISTORY file is appended, at intervals specified by the traj directive in the CONTROL file, with the following information:
record iNote the implied conversion of integer variables to real on record i.
nstep the current time-step (real*8)
natms number of atoms in configuration (real*8)
keytrj trajectory key (real*8)
imcon image convention key (real*8)
tstep integration timestep (real*8)
record ii for imcon0
cell vectors (real*8)
record iii
xxx(1,...,natms) atomic x-coordinates (real*8)
record iv
yyy(1,...,natms) atomic y-coordinates (real*8)
record v
zzz(1,...,natms) atomic z-coordinates (real*8)
record vi only for keytrj![]()
vxx(1,...,natms) atomic velocities x-component (real*8)
record vii only for keytrj![]()
vyy(1,...,natms) atomic velocities y-component (real*8)
record viii only for keytrj![]()
vzz(1,...,natms) atomic velocities z-component (real*8)
record ix only for keytrj![]()
fxx(1,...,natms) atomic forces x-component (real*8)
record x only for keytrj![]()
fyy(1,...,natms) atomic forces y-component (real*8)
record xi only for keytrj![]()
fzz(1,...,natms) atomic forces z-component (real*8)