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Z Density Profile

If both calculation and printing of Z density profiles has been requested (by selecting directives zden and print rdf in the CONTROL file Z density profiles are printed out as the last part of the OUTPUT file. This is written by the subroutine ZDEN1. First the number of time-steps used for the collection of the histograms is stated. Then each function is given in turn. For each function a header line states the atom type represented by the function. Then $z,~\rho(z)$ and $n(z)$ are given in tabular form. Output is given from $Z = [-L/2,L/2]$ where L is the length of the MD cell in the Z direction and $\rho(z)$ is the mean number density. $n(z)$ is the running integral from $-L/2$ to $z$ of $({\rm xy~cell~area})\rho(s) ds$. Note that a readable version of these data is provided by the ZDNDAT file (below).

W Smith 2003-05-12