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This file is formatted and written by the subroutine REVIVE. REVCON is the restart configuration file. The file is written every ndump time steps in case of a system crash during execution and at the termination of the job. A successful run of DL_POLY_2 will always produce a REVCON file, but a failed job may not produce the file if an insufficient number of timesteps have elapsed. ndump is a parameter defined in the DL/SMALL>_PARAMS.INC file found in the source directory of DL_POLY_2 (section 8.1.1). Changing ndump necessitates recompiling DL_POLY_2 . REVCON is identical in format to the CONFIG input file (see section 4.1.2). REVCON should be renamed CONFIG to continue a simulation from one job to the next. This is done for you by the copy macro supplied in the execute directory of DL_POLY_2 .

W Smith 2003-05-12