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In this appendix we document the error messages encoded in DL_POLY_2 and the recommended user action. The user response to these messages is different according to which version of the code is being run. Versions preceding DL_POLY_2 version 2.11 are significantly different from those appearing after. This is primarily because version 2.11 introduced FORTRAN 90 dynamic array allocation, which greatly simplifies the use of the code, but requires a different form of user intervention when array boundaries are violated. The correct response is described as the standard user response in the approriate sections below, to which the user should refer before acting on the error encountered.

The reader should also be aware that some of the error messages listed below may be either disabled in, or absent from, the installed version of DL_POLY_2 . Disabled messages generally apply to older releases of the code, while missing messages apply to newer versions of the code and will not usually apply to previous releases. They are all included for completeness. Note that the wording of some of the messages may also have changed over time, usually to provide more specific information. The most recent wording appears below.

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W Smith 2003-05-12