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DL_POLY_2 Versions 2.10 and Earlier

Many of the DL_POLY_2 error messages refer to array bound checks and the user is advised to consider what other arrays may need to be altered when making the appropriate change. (If you are not familiar with DL_POLY_2 , the error messages will advise you as each array bound is violated, but you will not be told of all errors in one pass.) Users are warned that reckless increases in the array dimensions are likely to result in the code being too large for any given memory. A way to avoid many of these difficulties is to make use of the utility program PARSET (see 7.1.1), which can greatly reduce the work required.

The standard user response when an array dimension error occurs is to locate the relevant parameter in the DL_POLY_2 DL/SMALL>_PARAMS.INC file and increase the default number. It should be remembered that any change in a parameter specified in DL/SMALL>_PARAMS.INC requires the whole program to be recompiled. However the standard makefile provided in the build directory does this automatically.

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W Smith 2003-05-12