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Obtaining the Source Code

To obtain a copy of DL_POLY_2 it is first necessary to obtain a licence from Daresbury Laboratory. A copy of the licence form may be obtained in two ways: either by selecting the licence button on the World Wide Web site:

and downloading and printing the file, or by using FTP to copy the postscript file from the CCP5 Program Library at Daresbury Laboratory in the following manner:

  1. move to the desired directory on YOUR machine,
  2. type: ftp
  3. enter userid: anonymous
  4. enter passwd: (use your name and site)
  5. change to the DL_POLY directory: cd ccp5/DL_POLY/DL_POLY_2
  6. change to the documents directory: cd documents
  7. type: binary
  8. type: get or get
  9. type: quit

The licence file will need to be uncompressed (using the unix uncompress command) before printing. Note that there are two versions of the licence available; one for single academic users (with perhaps one or two postgraduate students); and one for academic groups (with perhaps several research staff, including postdoctoral and permanent staff.) Choose the one most suitable for you. The licences are package licences which allow you access to all the DL_POLY software.

Once you have obtained the licence form you should sign it and return it to the following address.

Dr. W. Smith
DL_POLY Program Library
Computational Science and Engineering Department
CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory
Warrington WA4 4AD

Please return the licence by post please. When the signed licence has been received DL_POLY_2 source code will be sent by ftp. We will need to contact you about this procedure, so please supply your e-mail address. Please note we cannot create accounts on any of our machines for this purpose.

The bench and public subdirectories of DL_POLY_2 are not issued in the standard package, but can be downloaded directly by FTP from FTP site (in the ccp5/DL_POLY/DL_POLY_2 directory) as described above.

The DL_POLY_2 User Manual is freely available via World Wide Web or ftp, in the same manner as the licence form. The much larger DL_POLY_2 Reference Manual will be available by the above ftp procedure only.

Note: Daresbury Laboratory is the sole centre for the distribution of DL_POLY_2 and copies obtained from elsewhere will be regarded as illegal and will not be supported.

DL_MULTI is a part of the DL_POLY_2 package and is available under the same licence.

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W Smith 2003-05-12