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Other Information

The DL_POLY web site:

provides additional information in the form of

  1. Access to all documentation (including licences);
  2. Frequently asked questions;
  3. Bug reports.

Daresbury Laboratory also maintains two DL_POLY_2 associated electronic mailing lists:

  1. dl_poly_news - to which all registered DL_POLY_2 users are automatically subscribed. It is via this list that error reports and announcements of new versions are made. If you are a DL_POLY_2 user, but not on this list you may request to be added. Contact
  2. dl_poly_mail - is a group list which is available to DL_POLY_2 users by request. Its purpose is to allow DL_POLY_2 users to broadcast information and queries to each other. To subscribe to this list send a mail message to with the one-line message:

    Subsequent messages may be broadcast by e-mailing to the address: Note that this is a vetted list, so electronic spam is not possible.

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Next: DL_POLY_2 Force Fields and Up: Introduction Previous: Obtaining the Source Code   Contents   Index

W Smith 2003-05-12