The Ewald sum is an accurate method for summing
Coulomb potentials in periodic
systems. This can be a very cpu intensive calculation and the use of
more efficient, but less accurate methods, is common. Invariably this
involves truncation of the potential at some finite distance . If an atomistic scheme is used for the truncation criterion
there is no guarantee that the interaction sphere will be neutral and
spurious ``charging'' effects will almost certainly be seen in a
simulation. This arises because the potential being truncated is
long-ranged (
for charge-charge interactions). However if the
cutoff scheme is based on neutral groups of atoms, then at
worst, at long distance the interaction will be a dipole-dipole
interaction and vary as
. The truncation effects at the cutoff
are therefore much less severe than if an atomistic scheme is used. In
DL_POLY_2 the interaction is evaluated between all atoms of both groups if
any site of the first group is within the cutoff distance of any site
of the second group. The groups are known interchangeably as ``charge
groups'' or ``neutral groups'' in the documentation - which serves as
a reminder that the advantages of using such a scheme are lost if the
groups carry an overall charge. There is no formal requirement in DL_POLY_2
that the groups actually be electrically neutral.
The charge group scheme is more cpu intensive than a simple atomistic cutoff scheme as more computation is required to determine whether or not to include a set of interactions. However the size of the Verlet neighbourhood list (easily the largest array in DL_POLY_2 ) is considerably smaller with a charge group scheme than an atomistic scheme as only a list of interacting groups need be stored as opposed to a list of interacting atoms.