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The CONFIG file contains the dimensions of the unit cell, the key for periodic boundary conditions and the atomic labels, coordinates, velocities and forces. This file is read by the subroutine SYSGEN. (It is also read by the subroutine SIMDEF if the ewald precision directive is used.) The first few records of a typical CONFIG file are shown below:

IceI structure 6x6x6 unit cells with proton disorder
         2         3
  26.988000000000000   0.000000000000000   0.000000000000000
 -13.494000000000000  23.372293600000000   0.000000000000000
   0.000000000000000   0.000000000000000  44.028000000000000
      OW         1
    -2.505228382        -1.484234330        -7.274585343    
    0.5446573999        -1.872177437       -0.7702718106    
     3515.939287         13070.74357         4432.030587    
      HW         2
    -1.622622646        -1.972916834        -7.340573742    
     1.507099154        -1.577400769         4.328786484    
     7455.527553        -4806.880540        -1255.814536    
      HW         3
    -3.258494716        -2.125627191        -7.491549620    
     2.413871957        -4.336956694         2.951142896    
    -7896.278327        -8318.045939        -2379.766752    
      OW         4
    0.9720599243E-01    -2.503798635        -3.732081894    
     1.787340483        -1.021777575        0.5473436377    
     9226.455153         9445.662860         5365.202509    



W Smith 2003-05-12