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Definitions of Variables

record 1

header a80 title line
record 2
levcfg integer CONFIG file key. See table 4.5for permitted values
imcon integer Periodic boundary key. See table4.6 for permitted values
record 3 omitted if imcon = 0
cell(1) real x component of $a$ cell vector
cell(2) real y component of $a$ cell vector
cell(3) real z component of $a$ cell vector
record 4 omitted if imcon = 0
cell(4) real x component of $b$ cell vector
cell(5) real y component of $b$ cell vector
cell(6) real z component of $b$ cell vector
record 5 omitted if imcon = 0
cell(7) real x component of $c$ cell vector
cell(8) real y component of $c$ cell vector
cell(9) real z component of $c$ cell vector

Subsequent records consists of blocks of between 2 and 4 records depending on the value of the levcfg variable. Each block refers to one atom. The atoms must be listed sequentially in order of increasing index. Within each block the data are as follows:

record i

atmnam a8 atom name.
index integer atom index
atmnum integer atomic number
record ii
xxx real x coordinate
yyy real y coordinate
zzz real z coordinate
record iii included only if levcfg $>0$
vxx real x component of velocity
vyy real y component of velocity
vzz real x component of velocity
record iv included only if levcfg $>1$
fxx real x component of force
fyy real y component of force
fzz real z component of force
Note that on record i only the atom name is mandatory, any other items are not read by DL_POLY_2 but may be added to aid alternative uses of the file, for example the DL_POLY_2 Graphical User Interface [9].

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W Smith 2003-05-12