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Further Comments

The CONFIG file has the same format as the output file REVCON (section 4.2.3). When restarting from a previous run of DL_POLY_2 (i.e. using the restart or restart scale directives in the CONTROL file - above), the CONFIG file must be replaced by the REVCON file, which is renamed as the CONFIG file. The copy macro in the execute sub-directory of DL_POLY_2 does this for you.

Table 4.5: CONFIG file key (record 2)
levcfg meaning
0 Coordinates included in file
1 Coordinates and velocities included in file
2 Coordinates, velocities and forces included in file

Table 4.6: Periodic boundary key (record 2)
imcon meaning
0 no periodic boundaries
1 cubic boundary conditions
2 orthorhombic boundary conditions
3 parallelepiped boundary conditions
4 truncated octahedral boundary conditions
5 rhombic dodecahedral boundary conditions
6 x-y parallelogram boundary conditions with
  no periodicity in the z direction
7 hexagonal prism boundary conditions

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W Smith 2003-05-12